One of the founding members of this branch, Matt Carter, wrote a contribution to FORUM, the official journal of the South African Association of Hospital and Institutional Pharmacists (SAAHIP) describing the steps taken to establish the branch, and it was published in the June 1982 issue of FORUM (the 22nd issue). I have retyped the article hereunder.
Formation of a new East Cape and Border
Branch of SAAHIP
A Steering Committee was formed on 24th
September, 1981, to initiate and pursue the formation of an East Cape and
Border branch of the South African Association of Hospital and Institutional
Pharmacists. This committee, under the chairmanship of Mr. Jack Meyer Kaplan,
met at regular intervals to report on progress regarding the establishment of a
Register of Members, Constitutional and procedural issues, and the convening of
the inaugural meeting.
decided that our main objective would be
to “promote, encourage and foster co-operation between Doctor, Nurse, and
Pharmacist, for the ultimate benefit of the patient", our guests on this
occasion were influential doctors of the East Cape and Border Region, Dr. P T Vurgarellis, Regional Medical Superintendent,
East Cape and Border Region, Dr. J D Krynauw, Regional Director, State Health, Welfare
and Pensions, Dr. J Wessels, Coordinator, East Cape and Border Day Hospitals
Organisation, and the Medical Superintendents from the major hospitals, Drs Cillier, Clarke, Rossouw, and Hanraty.
The now approved
Steering Committee continued to meet and concluded arrangements for an Annual
General Meeting to be held for the constitutional election of Officers and
Committee Members at the Old Grey Club, Kemsley Park, Port Elizabeth, on Monday
19th April, 1982 at 7.30pm
Constitution and Bye-laws of the branch were accepted and the following
Officers and Committee Members were elected:
Chairman: Mr. J M Kaplan, Senior
Pharmacist, Provincial Hospital, Uitenhage
Port Elizabeth
Secretary: Mr. M R Carter, Principal
Pharmacist, Dora Nginza Hospital,
Algoa Park
Treasurer Mr. V T Mangan, Senior Pharmacist, Provincial Hospital,
Port Elizabeth
Algoa Park
Treasurer Mr. V T Mangan, Senior Pharmacist, Provincial Hospital,
Port Elizabeth
Secretary: Mr. N Taylor-Smith, Senior
Pharmacist, Dora Nginza Hospital,
Algoa Park
Algoa Park
Members: Prof. T J McCarthy, Messrs. R Cruise, D Tobias, J Zeelie,
Miss P Gouws, Miss Z Calloway, Miss C Roberts
Miss P Gouws, Miss Z Calloway, Miss C Roberts
meeting concerned with "Prescribing for the Aged '' is in the planning
stages and we are fortunate to have Mr. Ian Wiseman to enlighten us in this
sphere. It is probable that we will invite the Nursing Division to share this
meeting with us.
Throughout this whole
exercise of getting
the East Cape
and Border Branch off the
ground I am
reminded of the saying:
"Persistence is the keynote to
success, but Patience is needed for the accomplishment of all things”.
Kaplan provides the Persistence but my patience becomes sorely tried.
! don't know whether you are familiar with the
Prayer of Maimonides, but I reread it on occasions:
May neither avarice, nor
miserliness nor the thirst for glory,
Nor for a great
reputation engage my mind;
For the enemies of truth
and philanthropy could easily
Deceive me and make me
forgetful of my lofty aim of
Doing good to thy
Matt Carter
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