Monday, 7 March 2022

GLIMPSES FROM FORUM Health Year 1979 Cape Town

Health Year 1979

The following report was written by the Chairman of the Cape Branch, Mr David Cunningham, and published in the April 1980 issue of FORUM




The Cape Town City Council sponsored the largest Health Exhibition ever seen in the Republic in the prestigious new Civic Centre- large exhibition hall – from November 29th to December 1st. Ten major health themes, including sport, recreation, the family, emergency, environment, curative care, welfare services and auxillary health services were expressed in the 100 exhibition stalls.

Mr DA Goldberg was the SAAHIP representative on the Regional committee for Health Year. At a regional health year committee meeting the Chairman mentioned his disappointment that Pharmacy was not represented. Mr Goldberg advised the committee that SAAHIP would undertake to have pharmacy represented. He thereupon 'phoned the President of the PSSA, Mr Arenson, and told him of the decision taken by the committee. Mr Goldberg then chaired a new committee to organise an exhibition stall. This committee included Mr W Arenson, Mr DC Cunningham, Mr G Ferguson, Mr DA Goldberg, Mr M Lazarow, Mr I Maron amd Mr R Baynes.

The pharmacy stall took the shape of an equilateral triangle, which in turn fomed the sixth part of a regular hexagon. On exhibition were some excellent specimens of Digitalis purpura, Vinca, and Rauwolfia, artistically labelled and arranged by Mrs G Scott, lecturer in Pharmacognosy at the Cape Technikon. Mr W Buchhorn of the Zeiss West Germany Optical Instruments Co, kindly lent us four modern instruments used in quality control laboratories for display. Many thanks go to Messrs Ciba-Geigy, Heynes Mathew, Warner–Parke Davis, and Reckitt and Colman for their assistance with expensive audio-visual equipment, slides and tape recordings.

Pharmacy students (especially final year students) were very helpful in staffing the pharmacy exhibition stall; the organising committee members, assisted by many SAAHIP members, Mr J Job and others, gave generously of their time and material for making the pharmacy stall a success at an outstanding Health Year Exhibition.




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